Centurions of the Sable Star should show
excellence in more than one weapons form and be proficient in
all forms of Chivalric Combat. Grace, Chivalry and Courtesy
should be displayed at all times and Centurions must be
acknowledged leaders on the melee field *or* tourney field.
Centurions should be teachers of the Chivalric arts to any and
all who wish to learn.
Constitution Text States:
There shall exist in Ansteorra an order unto which the Crown
shall select persons who have demonstrated all of the following
- Exceptional leadership, skill and honor in chivalric
- Service to Ansteorra and its people;
- Knowledge of the courtly graces; and
- Obedience to the laws and ideals of Ansteorra and of the
Society for Creative Anachronism.
This Order shall be known as the Order of the Centurions of
the Sable Star...